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I watched the first segment on TV. There was only about a half-hour of dressage coverage in the middle of the 12 hour segment, which showed around 5 rides. Is the online footage more comprehensive? My internet connection is snail-speed, so I haven't checked it out. Let me know!
5 years ago
Definitely more intense! YOu can watch the online feed in live, streaming. :D Very cool.
Although I will say - the dressage while fascinating, after watching 50 horses do the same test... it all started to run together! :D
Cool! Thanks for filling me in. I should check it out and see if my internet can handle it.
Alas, not a spectator sport is it? My husband has suggested the lady riders should wear bikinis. He thinks it works for beach volleyball. I'd say that's fair if the male riders have to wear swim trunks!
Hi Bay Horse! Found your blog through Pony Girl Rides Again. I have been so disappointed in the Olympic coverage of the equestrian events. I work, so it is hard to watch the Olympics on my computer...but I have set up our DVR to record what little bit comes on TV.
Your suggestions about equestrian clothing made me LOL!!! So the tight breeches aren't enough to make people watch? :)
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