Huey's true identity has been found! Click here to read the whole story! Thank you everyone who assisted us, helpful posters on the Chronicle Forums and particularly the courteous folks at the Jockey Club.
Huey is "Word by Word" a March 2, 2000 Thoroughbred by "West by West" out of "Word Harvest". His tattoo reads "D16521". He primarily raced on Mountaineer Race Track (and casino) between 2003 and 2007.

We will call, write, whatever you want. I'll keep your contact info private. We will pay for photo reprints, shipping, etc. View Word by Word's Past Performances / Lifetime Starts reportI've updated the post below:
Please pass this on to your horse friends and folks in the racing industry!
Huey (More photos at bottom!)
Searching for information about our new horse! Photos, stories etc.
"Huey" is very loved, well cared-for, and living the good life in Vermont. He is learning dressage and just enjoying being a part of the family. We purchased Huey in March of 2008. We were able to trace his tattoo with the JC and are now looking for photos and info about him. Get in touch. We love this guy! See photos at bottom. More photos on request.
Registered: Word by Word
Sire: West by West
Dam: Word Harvest
Born: March 2, 2000 in KY
Barn Name: "Huey" (came with him, but might not be his original name)
Gender: Gelding
Breed: Thoroughbred
Height: 15.3hh
Color: Liver Chestnut. Mane and tail darker than body.
Raced: Mountaineer Race Track (and casino) between 2003 and 2007.
Last owner: Nicole Brinkley
Last trainer: Franklin Brinkley
Race Record: View Word by Word's Past Performances / Lifetime Starts report
Markings: - Star-stripe, even and mostly symmetrical.
- Disconnected nickel-sized snip between nostrils (seasonal, there in winter, faded in summer)
- quarter-sized patch of roan-white hairs on left-side jaw
- no white on legs
- hooves dark-brown-gray, med-large hooves
- large pink spot half-way on his "you know what"
- slightly sooty knees, croup, and very sooty mane and tail (sometimes almost looks "bay"). Mane a few shades darker than tail.
- a couple of "Bend Or" (pale black spots) on left hip
Lip Tattoo: D16521
Origin: Purchased March of 2008 from a horse trader in Pennsylvania.
Build: Thin, athletic, a little awkward.
Slightly toed-in
Offset "bench" knees
Big boned for a TB
Well muscled
When moving tends toward up-headedness
Nice movement
Personality: Gentle, Happy, Quiet, somewhat aloof.
Likable guy, horse people always like him
Loves food. Never late for supper.
Dislikes flies (who doesn't).
Quiet in pasture.
Respects the fence.
Lower-man on totem-pole.
Learns quickly
Good in traffic on roads
Hates walking in mud
Sensitive to aids
Somewhat girthy
Reacts to "clucking" and not words (i.e. "trot" doesn't mean much to him)
Very, very calm around machinery and commotion
Contact: Please leave a comment on post or email

Hi, I came accross your site while looking at horse pics, I can tell you a little about TB tatoos. The first digit is a letter, that is code for the year he was tatooed. TB's are only tatooed immediately before thier first race, usually at age 2, sometimes age 3. If your horse was born in 2001, then the first digit will be an E for 2003 or an F for 2004. The other digits are numbers. For the best view of the tatoo, flip the upper lip completely over, this does not hurt them, but if you like, do this when he is sedated, like when his teeth are being floated. I can not say if it is the same for the QH, but appendix QH that are racing are often half TB. The temperment you like can often be found on ex-racehorses TB and QH who were properly handled as foals. If you can determine the numbers, you can query the Jockey Club. Be aware he could also be registered as Brown color. I hope this helps:)
Love reading about Huey! I just became the proud owner of Steady Smiler my OTTB. He is the same age as Huey and we are learning dressage, jumping and hope to event next year. He is also a liver chestnut.
I am sure you have but just thought I would ask have you been to equibase.com and searched his name? You can see videos of their races. I just loved seeing Steady in action.
I would love to hear about his progress in the time that you owned him. I bought Steady in April this year. His last race was January of this year. He had a long career.
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